About MAMA Seattle
The Mother Attorneys Mentoring Association of Seattle (“MAMA Seattle”) was founded in 2006 as an organization designed to empower attorney mothers and encourage professional success while celebrating our roles as attorneys and mothers. We are devoted to furthering the interests of mother attorneys in Seattle, in Washington, and throughout the nation.
MAMA Seattle is a source of support for attorney mothers — a place where we can network, share experiences, learn from each other, problem solve, and talk about issues we face in a supportive and forward-thinking environment.
MAMA Seattle seeks to connect, inspire, support, and engage our members, as we constantly expand our resources and programs to encourage successful paths for mother attorneys in law and in parenting and in life.
In June 2022, MAMA Seattle was awarded the King County Bar Association’s Friend of the Legal Profession Award. We are honored and thrilled by this recognition.

Check out what we are all about here, in the words of MAMA Seattle members and founders in our 10 Year Anniversary video!