Report on Mothers in Law Firms
Mothers in Law Firms: Where Do We Go From Here?
An Empirical Study of Seattle Area Lawyers
Sponsored by MAMA Seattle
By Roberta D. Liebenberg and Stephanie A. Scharf
Principals, The Red Bee Group, LLC
Mothers in Law Firms: Where Do We Go From Here? summarizes the results of a project to assess the impact of motherhood on legal careers for women lawyers in private practice in the Seattle area. Based on data from a survey with over 1,000 respondents and interviews with participants, this report addresses (a) the everyday experiences, concerns and impact of parenting on legal careers; and (b) the law firm strategies that are viewed to be important to advance careers for women with children in private practice. The report includes recommended best practices to help retain and advance mothers at law firms at higher rates than occurs today.
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