MAMA Seattle Survey
Please take a short survey on the impact of parenthood on lawyers, even if you are not a parent!
The Mother Attorneys Mentoring Association of Seattle (“MAMA Seattle”) was founded in 2006 to empower attorney mothers and facilitate their professional success while celebrating members’ roles as attorneys and mothers. Our imperative to support each other and foster connections has only grown stronger during the global pandemic.
We are asking for your help with our latest project. MAMA Seattle is sponsoring a comprehensive survey on the impact of parenthood on lawyers in private practice in the Seattle area. The short survey (see QR code below or your email inbox) is directed to every attorney of any gender identity who has ever been in private practice in King County, regardless of whether they have been parents or not. We greatly appreciate your taking 5-7 minutes of your time so we can gather as much data as possible to support robust findings to share with our greater legal community.
The information we gather will help form strategic and effective policies and practices to advance legal careers for parents. You may have received an email from “MAMA Seattle Board of Directors” with the subject line: “MAMA Seattle: Please participate in a groundbreaking survey on career pathways for lawyers with children.” You can respond to the survey via this QR code or through the email you received. Thank you so much for helping us. Please contact info@mamaseattle.org with any questions.
Rachel Black, cofounder of MAMA Seattle and current Board Member
Amy Klosterman, President, MAMA Seattle
Christina Richmond, Board Member, MAMA Seattle
Shashi Vijay, Board Member, MAMA Seattle