MAMA Seattle thanks its generous sponsors!
Thanks to you, we can provide amazing programming and support for mother attorneys.
Is your firm or company interested in sponsoring MAMA Seattle?
Please reach out to us at sponsorship@mamaseattle.org and one of our board members will assist you.
Our sponsorships, which are for a calendar year, are first recognized at the Annual Banquet in the fall just prior to that calendar year. For example, our 2024 sponsors were first recognized at our fall 2023 Banquet.
We have four sponsorship levels: Platinum, Gold, Silver, and Bronze.
PLATINUM – $5,000
- Recognition in publicity for all networking events, lunch seminars, and CLEs for the upcoming calendar year
- Recognition at the Annual Banquet, including acknowledgement during the program
- Ten tickets to the Annual Banquet, including a reserved table; guests must be individually registered by the registration deadline as MAMA does not reserve spaces after that
- Feature sponsor (full page) in the program for the Annual Banquet
- Prominent recognition in the signage and the program for the Annual Banquet
- Recognition on the MAMA Seattle website throughout the year (January – December of the upcoming year)
GOLD – $3,500
- Recognition in publicity for all networking events, lunch seminars, and CLEs for the upcoming calendar year
- Recognition at the Annual Banquet, including acknowledgement during the program
- Seven tickets to the Annual Banquet; guests must be individually registered by the registration deadline as MAMA does not reserve spaces after that
- Feature sponsor (half page) in the program for the Annual Banquet
- Prominent recognition in the signage and the program for the Annual Banquet
- Recognition on the MAMA Seattle website throughout the year (January – December of the upcoming year)
SILVER – $1,500
- Recognition at the Annual Banquet, including acknowledgement during the program
- Five tickets to the Annual Banquet; guests must be individually registered by the registration deadline as MAMA does not reserve spaces after that
- Feature sponsor (quarter page) in the program for the Annual Banquet
- Recognition in the program for the Annual Banquet
- Recognition on the MAMA Seattle website throughout the year (January – December of the upcoming year)
BRONZE – $750
- Recognition at the Annual Banquet, including acknowledgement during the program
- Two tickets to the Annual Banquet; guests must be individually registered by the registration deadline as MAMA does not reserve spaces after that
- Recognition in the program for the Annual Banquet
- Recognition on the MAMA Seattle website throughout the year (January – December of the upcoming year)
2025 Sponsors


